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Support for individual circumstances

We recognise you are unique and so are your needs. The need for additional support can arise at any time.

There are many different circumstances that could require additional support, including:

  • Illness or Accident
  • Disability
  • Job Loss
  • Relationship Breakdown
  • Bereavement
  • Mental Health
  • Financial Difficulty

If you experience a change in your circumstances or feel you require additional support for any reason, please get in touch so we can let you know how we can best support you.

Rest assured that anything you tell us will be handled sensitively and confidentially.

Contact our Specialist Support Team

By phone: 0333 122 1112

By email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

By Secure Message  

In writing: 

Specialist Support Department
25-26 Neptune Court
Vanguard Way
CF24 5PJ

Our Specialist Support Team are available Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm.

Support from someone you trust

Enabling us to discuss your account with someone else.

If you would like someone else to act on your behalf in dealing with your Agreement, you can set up a third-party authority. Find more about this by contacting us.

By phone: 02920 468 900

By email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


If you have experienced bereavement and you are looking to let us know that someone has passed away. We recognise this will be a very difficult time and we will do all we can to support you through this process.

Please contact us on 0333 122 1112 to speak with one of our team.

The Specialist Support team are available Monday to Friday, 9am-5pm

Support in how we communicate with you

If you need us to tailor the way we communicate with you, we offer options such as large print, audio, braille or coloured paper, please call us on 0333 122 1112 to let us know how we can help.

The Specialist Support team are available Monday to Friday, 9am-5pm

Useful Contacts

General help and support

Samaritans - 116 123

Citizens Advice Bureau

Visually or hearing impaired support



Mental health support

MIND - 0300 123 3393

Rethink Mental Health Illness - 0845 456 0455 / 0207 840 3188

Saneline - 0845 767 8000

Bereavement support

Cruse Bereavement Care - 08444 779 400

Bereavement Advice Centre - 08008 211 203

Domestic violence/coercive debt support

Women's Aid

Surviving Economic Abuse (SEA)


Crisis - 0300 636 1967

Shelter - 0808 800 4444